BOOK Business words you should know
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BOOK Business words you should know
BOOK Business words you should know
Format: PDF
Genre : English
When Dean and I first started talking about writing this book, we
thought it would be very straightforward. We knew we wanted to
take the language of business and translate it into plain English.
He would choose the words, write the definitions, and take the role of business
guru, ensuring the information was accurate. I would write the sentences,
handle the technical part of writing a book, and take the role of target
audience, ensuring the information was understandable. And we would have
the next book in the excellent Words You Should Know series. To a certain
extent, that is what happened. Over and over throughout the last year, Dean
would present me with a definition, and I would say “But what does it mean?”
until he had simplified it enough that even I could understand it.
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